Canada's Wildlike Conservation Series (Polar Bear)
$3 Sterling Silver Coin
RCM Number: 109976
Face Value: 3 dollars
Mintage: 15,000
Composition: 92.5% Silver 7.5% Copper With Gold Plated
Weight: 12.0 g
Diameter: 27.1X 27.1 mm
Edge: Plain
Finish: Specimen
Artist: Suzanne Blunt (Obverse) Jason Bouwman (Reverse)
The square shape and dynamic design of this coin are immediately eyecatching; all the more so with the gold plate that has been applied to this limited-edition coin. It’s the second issue in this four-coin series and every one of them is a must-have!
Second issue in the stunning 4-coin series featuring Canada's wildlife.
The square shape and dynamic design of this coin are immediately eyecatching;all the more so with the gold plate that has been applied tothis limited-edition coin. It’s the second issue in this four-coin seriesand every one of them is a must-have!
Coin design:
A stylized portrait of the Polar Bear on an ice floe with the sun and brokensea ice reflected in the sky as the background.
Master of the ice.
The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is the largestterrestrial carnivore on earth. Scientists placeit in the marine mammal group because it livesprimarily on the frozen sea ice and feeds almostexclusively on the seals that swim below it. Whileringed seals are its favourite, the polar bear willalso eat other seal species, belugas or narwhals.
The polar bear displays skills that are remarkablyhuman-like when it hunts. These traits haveinspired countless legends among the Arctic’sFirst Nations people; hunting a polar bear is anundertaking that demands an honest tribute ofhonour and respect.
The sea ice is now changing, forcing the polarbear to adapt with unprecedented speed. Thiscoin highlights the power and magnificence of ananimal that was long regarded as untouchable butis now under threat from pollution and climatechange. The polar bear is a wildlife treasure thatcommand